Control Total

The control total is the amount you expect to have, in payments, in a batch. On the Batch Record > Overview tab, the Control Total should be equal to the Payment amount.

An image of the Batch Record, highlighting the Control Total not matching the Payment Amount.

When adding a new internal batch, a Control Total is required. If you'd prefer not to use this feature, enter "0" in this field

An image of the Add New Batch form, highlighting the Control Total.

Why Use a Control Total?

If you accidentally entered a number wrong or misread a number, a control total is a good way to prevent yourself from posting a batch with an error.

Example: An association received 50 checks in the mail that totaled $17,550.00. A checks batch would be created for that day and the amount of 17,550.00 would be entered as the Control Total. Once all transactions are entered in the system, if all checks match the Control Total amount this verifies our data is accurate.

Note: For clients using a control total greater than $0, the batch cannot be closed until the Control Total amount has been reached.

An image of the Batch Record, highlighting the Control Total error message when clicking to Create Ledger.