Crediting Transactions

Credits can be issued to customers. These can be left as store credits which can be applied to other balances or they can be returned to the customer and the credit on their account zeroed out.

The first step to either result is to create a credit on the customer account.

  1. Open the Payment Record of the payment to be credited.

  2. Click Return. The Payment Return form will appear.

    1. Payment Return BatchClosedChoose the batch in which the payment credit should be recorded. If no batch exists, click Add to create a new one.

    2. Refund Payment (Credit Card Transactions Only)ClosedThis option appears only if the original transaction was paid via credit card, in which case a refund can be sent electronically. Note that, if a credit card payment entered today is being refunded, it takes until the next day to be settled by the processor--meaning that the whole transaction can be voided, but if it's necessary to refund just a portion, this cannot be done until the next day.

    3. Select ItemsClosedUsing the check-boxes, select each item that should be credited. Staff can edit the amount being credited for each item and for shipping, if applicable.

    4. Click Return Payment.

Results of this Process

  • Electronic Refunds: If Refund Payment (2b, above) was selected, the credit was created and returned electronically. No additional steps are required to process the refund.

  • Store Credit: If Refund Payment was not selected, the credit is applied to the customer account as a store credit. This can be left on the Customer Record and used in paying other invoices.

    No additional steps are required at this time, unless you wish to refund by check or zero out the credit on the Customer Record without issuing a credit. For more on these, see Issuing Refunds.