Using Custom Payment Options

When purchasing a product, selecting a Custom Payment Option allows staff to use customized labels within the system to log payments processed outside the system. These customized labels can be configured to best represent their practices and allow for accurate payment reports.

Custom payment options can be enabled in the Business Unit. Custom check and cash payment options are visible only to staff users and will display during checkout using the custom payment method name you choose.

Configuring a Custom Check Payment Method

Use Case:

Example: An ACH payment was collected by direct debit rather than processed through the system’s payment processor. It cannot be logged using the system’s ACH function, as this would process the payment again, nor can it be logged as a Check or Cash because this would reflect inaccurately on payment records. In this example, a custom payment method called "Direct Debit" could be created to allow accurate logging of the payment without processing.

  1. Navigate to the Business Unit > Setup > Payment Methods and click Add New Payment Method. Configure the following fields to set up a custom check payment method. All fields described below determine how the field labels and tooltips related to the Custom Check payment method appear in areas such as the last page of checkout.
  2. On the Add New Payment Method screen,:

    1. Select the Method Type, "Custom Check."

    2. Custom Payment Method NameClosedPayment method name shown wherever a list of payment methods is displayed, such as during checkout.

    3. Custom Label NameClosedWhen this custom payment method is selected during checkout, this is the label for the payer name field. For example "Name on Check."

      1. Custom Label Name TooltipClosedProvides users with additional information when hovering over the information icon beside the Custom Label Name field.

    4. Custom Label IDClosedServes as the field name of the payment identifier. Examples could include "Check Number," “Transaction ID,” or “Reference #”.

      1. Custom Label ID TooltipClosedProvides users further guidance when hovering over the information icon to the left of the Custom Label ID field.

    5. Custom Label DateClosedThe name of the date field which appears when a payment of this type is selected. Examples could include “Payment Date” or “Date Processed.”

      1. Custom Label Date TooltipClosedProvides staff users further guidance when hovering over the information icon to the left of the Custom Label Date field.

  3. Configure any remaining payment configuration fields.

  4. Click Save.

Configuring a Custom Cash Payment Method

  1. Navigate to the Business Unit > Setup > Payment Methods and click Add New Payment Method. Configure the following fields to set up a custom cash payment method. All fields described below determine how the field labels and tooltips related to the Custom Cash payment method appear in areas such as the last page of checkout.

  2. On the Add New Payment Method screen,

    1. Select the Method Type "Custom Cash."

    2. Custom Payment Method NameClosedPayment method name shown wherever a list of payment methods is displayed, such as during checkout.

  3. Configure any remaining payment configuration fields.

  4. Click Save.