Manually Creating Credits

Staff can manually add a credit to a customer record. Credits created this way do not require association with any prior transaction in re:Members AMS.

  1. Navigate to the Accounting App > Credits.
  2. Click Add New Credit. The Add New Credit form appears.
    1. Customer: Begin typing the name of the customer to be credited and select the appropriate record.
    2. Credit Amount: The amount to be credited.
    3. Currency: If your system is configured to work with multiple different currency types, choose the desired one here.
    4. Note: Enter a note describing the reason for the credit.
      1. Is Internal: This check box applies to the Notes text box and allows staff to choose whether the note should be visible to staff only (internally) or to non-staff users. The default setting is "checked."
    5. Business Unit: Choose the business unit to which the credit should be related.
      1. Batch: Select the batch related to the chosen business unit.
  3. Choose the Liability Account Type.
  4. Choose the payment type with which to associate the credit.
    1. Check: Choose this option if a check was received which should be applied to a Customer Record as a credit. This selection uses a Cash instead of an Expense account because funds are already accounted for via the check. 

      Example:    If no open balances exist on the Customer Record and the supporting documentation with the check doesn’t provide adequate information to create an invoice.          

      1. Cash Account Type: Choose the cash account.

      2. Check Information: Enter the Name on Check, Check Number, and Check Date.

        Note: The "Check" Payment Method must be enabled as an active Payment Method in the Business Unit in order for this option to appear.

    2. Add Manual Credit: Choose this option if a manual credit must be applied. This selection uses an expense account.   

      Example: If a student receives a scholarship from the association, or if a credit otherwise should be applied for which no additional funds came in.

      1. Debit Account Type: Select the debit account.

  5. Click Add Credit. The newly created Credit Record will appear.

Note: Credits created in this way display an option to Edit GL Account on the Credit Record for as long as the associated Batch Record is still open. In this way, staff can edit the GL account if the incorrect one was initially selected.

An image of the Credit Record, highlighting the Edit GL Account option.

Tip: When creating a manual credit, the system credits a GL account and debits a GL account.
Because a credit (which can be used to pay an invoice) is being created for the customer, that is a liability on your association’s books. Therefore, the GL account credited is a liability account. The GL account debited is typically related to an expense. For example, an award your association is giving a person…in which case the GL account may be an expense to the awards department.