Configuring the LinkedIn Signup and Login Integration

LinkedIn is currently the largest social network for professionals. Users of LinkedIn and re:Members AMS can now use their LinkedIn login to access their re:Members AMS account.

This guide details the process of enabling LinkedIn signup access to re:Members AMS.

LinkedIn/ re:Members AMS Integration Process

Configuration of LinkedIn Signup requires the following steps:

  1. Configure the LinkedIn App

    1. Register and Verify a LinkedIn App

    2. Whitelist re:Members AMS IP Addresses

    3. Specify Allowed Scopes

  2. Configure LinkedIn to re:Members AMS Access

    1. Set Access Credentials

    2. Enable and Test the Integration

Configure the LinkedIn App

Before re:Members AMS can communicate with LinkedIn to use the LinkedIn login in the re:Members AMS signup process, a new LinkedIn “app” must be created and configured in LinkedIn.  Once the new app is set up, appropriate scopes must be enabled and authentication keys obtained.

Register & Verify a LinkedIn App

A new LinkedIn app must be created and verified via the LinkedIn Developer Portal.  This is the first step in configuring LinkedIn to be used to validate and verify login requests coming from re:Members AMS.

  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn Developers portal at the following URL:

  2. Click the Create app button and log in to LinkedIn.

  1. In the Create an app form, complete the following fields (all fields flagged with an asterisk are required):

    1. App Name(required): Enter a name to label the app being created.

    2. LinkedIn Page (required): Enter your company’s LinkedIn Profile URL or Name. (A manager of this company LinkedIn page will need to approve this setting.)
      If no company LinkedIn page yet exists, click the Create a new LinkedIn Page link to set one up.

    3. Privacy policy URL: If you have a URL linking to a privacy policy that you wish to share, enter it in this field.

    4. App logo (required): Upload a logo image that will be displayed to users when they authorize LinkedIn login using your app.  (Using a square image is recommended—at least one dimension should be at least 100 pixels.)

    5. Legal agreement (required): Read the LinkedIn API Terms of Use.  Agreement to said terms is required to proceed.

    6. Click the Create App button.

  1. Once the Create an app form is complete, the newly created app profile appears.
    Note that under the Settings tab, the company LinkedIn page identified in Step 3b appears, with a message below it indicating that it is not yet verified.
    Click the Verify button.  The Verify company window appears.

  1. In the Verify company window,

    1. Click the Generate URL button.  This creates a unique verification URL that can be submitted to the administrator of the LinkedIn page specified in Step 3b.
      This URL is valid for 30 days.

    2. Copy the URL and share it with the company LinkedIn page manager.

    3. Click I’m Done on the Verify company window.

WhiteList re:Members AMS IP Addresses

The re:Members AMS/LinkedIn callback URL must be whitelisted in the LinkedIn Developers Portal.

  1. In the LinkedIn Developers portal, open the app created in the section described above (Register & Verify a LinkedIn App.
    This can be done by clicking My apps in the top navigation bar.

  2. In the App profile, click the Auth tab.

  3. Locate the Auth 2.0 settings panel and click the Edit icon.

    1. Click the Add redirect URL link.

    2. Enter the following URL:

    3. Click Update.

Specify Allowed Scopes

To allow LinkedIn to request an re:Members AMS user’s profile and email, it is necessary to specify the scopes of information that the app can request when a member uses it.

In this case, a “scope” is a set of actions and permissions that the newly created app is allowed to take. To define these scopes:

  1. In the LinkedIn Developers portal, open the app created in the section described above (Register & Verify a LinkedIn App.
    This can be done by clicking My apps in the top navigation bar This can be done on the Auth tab in the App profile.

  2. In the App profile, click the Products tab.

  3. Locate the Sign In with LinkedIn panel and click the Select button.

  1. The Add Sign In with LinkedIn window appears.  The LinkedIn API Terms of Use must be accepted to use this feature:  click the checkbox and select the Add Product button.

Following the steps above automatically adds two scopes required for this integration:

  • r_emailaddress

  • r_liteprofile

If you navigate to the Auth tab on the App Profile and refresh the page, these two scopes should now be visible in the Auth 2.0 scopes panel.

Configure LinkedIn to re:Members AMS Access

Once the LinkedIn App is configured, the credentials required for LinkedIn to communicate with re:Members AMS (and vice versa) can be obtained and the feature enabled.

Set Access Credentials

  1. In the LinkedIn Developers portal, open the app created in the section described above (Register & Verify a LinkedIn App).
    This can be done by clicking My apps in the top navigation bar This can be done on the Auth tab in the App profile.

  2. In the App profile, click the Auth tab.

  3. Locate the Application credentials panel.  The following fields appear:

    1. Client ID

    2. Client Secret

The data in these fields allows re:Members AMS to communicate with LinkedIn. Click the “eye” icon next to the Client Secret field to reveal the key.

The Client ID and the Client Secret must be entered into your instance of re:Members AMS. You can leave the browser window open and copy/paste them from there, or copy/paste the Client ID and the Client Secret into a notepad document if you wish.

  1. In a different browser window, log in to your instance of re:Members AMS.

  2. Navigate to the Configuration App > Integrations.

    1. Locate the LinkedIn panel.  If the integration has not yet been enabled, click the Add This button at the top right.

    2. Click the Manage button at the top right of the LinkedIn panel.

    3. In the Client Id and Client Secret fields, enter the ID and secret values obtained from LinkedIn in Step 3, above.

    4. Click Save.

Enable and Test Integration

Once the LinkedIn App Client ID and Client Secret credentials are entered in re:Members AMS, the feature itself can be enabled.

  1. Navigate to the Configurations App > Settings.

  2. Under the Account section, enable the setting Allow LinkedIn Login.

  3. At the bottom of the Account section, click Save.

To test:

  1. Start a new browser session in your instance of re:Members AMS.

  2. Navigate to the login screen.

  3. The LinkedIn Account button should now appear.  Clicking this button redirects the user to a LinkedIn permissions page.

Once the user clicks the Allow, indicating permission for their LinkedIn account email to be used for re:Members AMS login, the app retrieves the user email.  The following scenarios are possible:

  • For Existing re:Members AMS Users:  The user’s LinkedIn login email is registered in re:Members AMS as their re:Members AMS Login Email. In this scenario, the app should automatically log in the user without requesting further re:Members AMS credentials.

  • For New re:Members AMS Users:  If the user’s email does not already exist in re:Members AMS, the first step of the Sign Up process will appear.
    First Name, Last Name, and Email fields are pre-filled with LinkedIn profile information and cannot be edited.  The remainder of the signup process proceeds as normal.