Configuring eMarketing Campaigns
Staff can associate transactions with an eMarketing campaign. Any transactions associated with this eMarketing campaign will be associated with the overall campaign goal.
- Navigate to the eMarketing App > Campaign.
- In the Add New Campaign form, enter required campaign information and click Save.
In the saved record, staff will find a URL in the Overview tab—this can be shared with non-staff users, and purchases they make after navigating to this URL will be recorded under the eMarketing Campaign .
Staff have the option of simply selecting the necessary eMarketing campaign during checkout.
Direct-Linking eMarketing Campaign URLs to Purchase Wizards
Staff can also create eMarketing URL's that point non-staff users directly to a certain purchase wizard.
Example: If an eMarketing campaign with the URL "" is created, users navigating to that URL will be directed to the "home" page configured for your instance of re:Members AMS.
To point users directly to a certain purchase wizard, change the URL by entering the web domain, followed by the name of the desired page, followed by the eMarketing campaign code, like so:, that is, https://domain/store page?Source=eMarketing campaign code
eMarketing Configuration Settings
Editing the Campaign Query String Parameter
Administrators can edit the term “Source” to different terminology if desired. This setting is under the Configurations App > Settings, using the Campaign Query String Parameter setting. The campaign query string parameter cannot include spaces or special characters.
Example: By default an eMarketing campaign query string parameter appears as ?Source=[sourcename]. Like so:
If the Campaign Query String Parameter field is changed to "mycampaign," the eMarketing campaign query string parameter will appear as ?mycampaign=[sourcename]. Like so:
Automatically Creating eMarketing Campaigns
Campaigns can be auto-created based off of a campaign code passed through the URL. For administrators, this yes/no setting can be enabled in the Configurations App > Auto Create Campaign.
Enabling this allows for automatic campaign creation when a URL contains a campaign code during the purchase process. That is, if a staff user creates a URL that ends with the code ?source=[sourcename], a new eMarketing Campaign record is auto-created in the eMarketing App > Campaign, with a record Code the same as the value entered for [sourcename].
Example: See the following URL:
The inclusion of “?Source=ABC” causes the system to create an eMarketing campaign with the code "ABC." eMarketing campaigns created in this way can be edited later. The campaign query string parameter cannot include spaces or special characters.
Note: If the Campaign Query String Parameter is changed, the edited Campaign Query Sting Parameter must be used in creating URLs which auto-create eMarketing campaigns.