Collecting Custom Organization Data via the Organization Record

Custom fields can be configured to appear on the Organization Record and on the My Organization Profile page using the custom form Crm.Organization.Demographics.Edit.

For additional information on configuring custom forms and fields, see Configuring Custom Fields .

Staff Visibility of the Crm.Organization.Demographics.Edit Form

This form is visible for staff users on the Organization Record under the Account tab, via the Organization Info menu option. Custom fields included in this form appear below the baseline fields at the bottom of the page.

Non-staff Visibility of the Crm.Organization.Demographics.Edit Form

This form is visible to non-staff users in the My Organization Profile page under the Account tab, via the Organization Info menu option. Custom fields included in this form appear below the baseline fields at the bottom of the page. Fields can be set as visible to/hidden from non-staff users when configuring settings for fields during form setup.

To access the My Organization Profile page, clients must

  1. Navigate to the My Profile page.
  2. Click the Organizations tab.
  3. Click the Manage button next to the desired organization. (If the individual does not have permissions to manage their related organizations, the Manage button will not appear.)

The My Organization Profile page will load. A direct link can also be created linking an individual to this page.