Creating an Education Credit Type
To begin tracking earned education credits, the credit types must first be set up under the Certifications App.
Navigate to Certifications > Education Credits.
Click Add New Education Credit Type. The Add New Education Credit Type form will appear.
Code and Name: Enter a brief code and name for the education credit type.
Short Description
Allow Self-Reported: Enabling permits non-staff users to self-report having earned education credits, instead of being required to earn them as a result of other means, such as attending an event, for example.
Note: Enabling this option only impacts whether a non-staff user can self-report a credit. Even with this option enabled, association staff can still manually record education credits on a customer's behalf.
Require Reference Field: Enabling requires the customer to submit references when self-reporting this type of education credit.
Auto Approve: Causes self-reported education credits to be automatically approved, instead of requiring staff approval.
Allow Document Upload: Permit users self-reporting education credits to submit a document during the process.
Require Document Upload: Require that self-reported education credits include an uploaded document.
Instructions: Instructions for customers self-reporting education credits. These might include instruction regarding a filing fee, the type of document upload required, etc.
Has Filing Fee: Enabling requires a filing fee to be assessed for this education credit type.
Filing Fee: Associate the appropriate filing fee with the education credit.
Click Save.