Managing Event Speakers

Once the Event or Session Record is created, staff have the option to assign speakers to the event or session.

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Benefits of Speaker Management

Managing your speakers within the re:Members AMS system allows you to:

  • Avoid scheduling conflicts, as the system can alert you if a speaker is assigned to multiple sessions taking place at the same time.

  • Easily track speakers using queries, reports, and/or the Speaker Profile.

  • Display speaker names among the Session Details displayed to prospective registrants.

  • Grant special pricing to speakers using the "Speaker Type" price attribute.

Configuring Speaker Types

"Speaker Types" is a labeling system that helps categorize different kinds of Speakers, whether that be by session format, genre, level of clout, or any other metric. Even if your association doesn’t distinguish between different categories of Speaker, it is still recommended that you create at least one Speaker Type, as some of the tool’s utilities rely on this field.

  1. Navigate to the Setup area of the Events app.

  2. Select the Speaker Types section.

  3. Click the "Add New Speaker Type" button.

  4. Enter a name for the Speaker Type and then click Save.

Assigning Speakers to an Event or Session

Tip: Assigning a Speaker to a Session does not automatically assign them to the Event as well, or vice versa. Assign speakers to the Event itself if you plan to use the "Speaker Type" price attribute to grant the speakers special pricing. Assign speakers to individual Sessions if you wish for them to appear in the session details, plan to use the system's Event Session Room Sheet reports, and/or want to be notified of speaker scheduling conflicts during setup. A speaker can be assigned to both the Event and Session(s), so long as they are assigned to the Event first.

There are multiple areas in the Event Record in which speakers can be assigned: from the Event Record, Speakers menu option; from the Event Record, Sessions menu option; or from the Session Record.

From the Event Record, Speakers Menu Option:

In the Event Record, select the Speakers menu option and click the Add Speaker button. The Add Speaker form will appear.

  1. If the speaker exists in the system as an Individual Record, begin typing their name in the Speaker field. If the speaker is not yet in the database, click the green Add icon to add them to the system.
  2. If assigning the speaker to the event itself, leave the Session field blank. (Once assigned to the event, the speaker can then be assigned to individual sessions as a separate step.) If assigning the speaker only to a session, select it from the Session drop-down list. In order for the session to appear in the drop-down list, it must have already been created in the Event Record, Sessions menu option.
  3. Select a Speaker Type from the list of available options.
  4. To record any notes about the speaker to the Speaker Record, enter these in the Notes text box.
  5. Click Save.

The newly added speaker will appear in the speaker list.

Click the View button to access the Speaker Record. This record contains information about the speaker's events, session, and any notes that have been created related to that speaker.

Note: Once an individual has been set as a speaker, the Speaker Info menu option will appear on their Individual Record, Account tab. This menu option allows staff to add speaker information and easily access the Speaker Record.

From the Event Record, Sessions Menu Option:

From the Event record, navigate to the Planning tab, and then the Sessions section. In the sessions list, locate the desired session.

  • To assign a speaker to the session, click the Assign button in the Speakers column. Select an individual and a Speaker Type.

From the Session Record:

Click Edit next to the desired session to open the Session Record.

In the Session Record, navigate to the Planning tab, then the Speakers menu option:

  • To assign a speaker to the session, click the Add Speaker button. Select an individual and a Speaker Type.

The Speaker Profile

Each speaker in the system will have their own Speaker Profile, separate from but similar to their Individual Profile. This can be used to keep notes, contact details, a biography, images, and documents for and about the individual as related to their speaking engagement. It tracks the Events (as a whole), Sessions, and Exhibits to which the speaker is assigned.

Staff users can reach the Speaker Profile by:

  • Clicking the View button from the Speakers section of the event or session to which they've been assigned.

  • Clicking the speaker's name from the Sessions section of the event.

  • Navigating to the person's individual record. Under the Account tab, select the Speaker Info section, then click the Go To Speaker Profile button.

Non-staff individuals do not have access to Speaker Profiles, but they can view many of the details in the Speaker Info section of their own individual record.