Billing the Original "Bill To" During Mass Renewal

During the membership mass renewal process, staff may see the option to Bill to Customer from Original Order.

Typically during membership mass renewal, the actual member is set as the "Bill To," regardless of who purchased the membership. The Bill to Customer from Original Order option causes the system to use the "Bill To" customer on the original order as the "Bill To" customer on the mass renewal.

Example: An individual member, Ursula, has her membership purchased on her behalf by her organization, ABC Incorporated.
On the original order, ABC is listed as the "Bill To," but ABC is not the member. When that membership is renewed during mass renewal, since Ursula is the membership holder the system automatically sets her as the "Bill To." If ABC should continue to be listed as the "Bill To," click the Bill to Customer from Original Order check-box.

This option is only required if the above scenario applies to your association. That is, if the original "Bill To" party is different from the actual member and if you wish to continue billing that original party. If you are unsure, please reach out to customer support for assistance.