Including a Donation on Membership Mass Renewal Orders

During membership mass renewal, staff may see the option to include a Donation/PAC Product on the orders created as a result of mass renewal. If the membership type selected as part of the mass renewal has a fund or PAC donation as a related product, select this check-box to include a donation amount on the order.

Example: ACME Association wishes to automatically insert a $10 donation on every order created during membership mass renewal, which is then calculated into the total amount owed.

The following settings must be in place to use this functionality:

  • Open Orders: The mass renewal process must be set to create open orders instead of invoices.

  • One Membership at a Time: Only one membership type can be selected for mass renewal. If multiple different membership types must be renewed, separate instances of the mass membership renewal process must be run.

  • Related Fund: The selected membership type must have a fund set as a related product.

If the parameters above are met and this setting is enabled, staff can proceed as follows:

  1. Select Donation/PAC Products?.

  2. Select the desired donation(s).

  3. Specify an Amount. A donation in this amount will be added to each order created during mass renewal.

Note: Since these are created as open orders, if the member prefers not to donate, staff have the ability to change the donation amount on the open order to "0," if necessary. See the Editing the Balance on an Open Order for more information.