Using the Online Store Anonymously

Customers can access the online store and add items to a cart without logging in first.  A guest user message appears for anonymous users.  Before checkout is complete, customers are required to log in.

Viewing Prices as an Anonymous User

The price that anonymous users see is the lowest price available for the product.  Once the guest has logged in, the system will reflect the price they qualify for.

Staff can also set custom text to appear for customers checking out as guests (not logged in).  If desired, on the Price Record enter the desired text in the “Amount Override Text” field.  For example, you may wish to enter “Prices Starting at $X Amount,” or note the member and non-member price for the product.

This setting is in the Price Record, Details tab, Display Options menu option.

Image of a Price Profile highlighting text appearing for anonymous users during checkout.

Anonymous Shopping & Customer Record Numbers

Clients using anonymous shopping may notice that customer record numbers increase by increments greater than 1.

When an anonymous (or guest) user enters the online store, a guest account with a new record number is created behind the scenes. Later, when the user logs in to their existing account, the checkout session is completed using the existing account, and the guest account is soft-deleted.

If the user must create a new account during checkout, a record is created with the individual's actual information (using a second new record number, in addition to the guest record number), the session is shifted to the new record, and the guest account is soft-deleted.

Configuring Shopping Messages for Anonymous Guests

The messages that guest users see when using the wizard and during checkout can be customized in the Customization App, in the Shopping section.

The checkout process showing the guest message. Images showing where the anonymous checkout messages are created.

  • Anonymous Shopping Wizard HTML Message: Appears when a user is not logged in and accesses the purchase wizard. This message displays regardless of whether they have yet selected an item for purchase.
  • Anonymous Shopping Cart HTML Message: Once a user has added items to their shopping cart and proceeded to the shopping cart review page, this message displays.