Creating a New Product

When creating a new product, certain fields are available regardless of the product type being created.

Note: Because products share so many of the same essential settings, the term "products" in Impexium can include anything that can be sold. This can include events, memberships, merchandise, publications, certifications, sponsorships, etc.

  • Code: The unique identifier for the record, such as to query on. Codes should be brief and should not contain spaces. If you have an existing list of codes, these can be used, as can a simple abbreviation of the name.

  • Name: The display name of the record.

  • Available From: The date on which the record becomes active, meaning available for use.

  • Available Until: The date on which the record is deactivated.

  • Is Public: Makes the record visible to non-staff users. If left deselected, only staff users can view or purchase the product. The Is Public check box should not be checked until the product is completely configured and tested.

  • Is Free: Flags the product as zero cost. Clicking this check box removes the select Merchant option and automatically adds a price of zero dollars. Prices created using this method must still have GL accounts applied on the Price Record.

  • Merchant: Choose the credit card merchant to be used when the product is purchased. If this field is blank, the default credit card merchant is used.

  • Sort Order: Records are sorted alphabetically, by default. To sort manually, enter a number in the Sort Order field—records with the lowest number will be listed at the top. Leaving this field blank is equivalent to setting a value of 0.

  • Base Due Date: The default base due date is the invoice date. To change this, select an option from the drop-down list. Options may include:

    • Order date

    • Price start date

    • Price end date

    • Invoice date

    • Effective date (memberships, subscriptions, certifications, and certification applications only)

    • Start date (events, sessions, exhibits, and courses only)

    • End date (events, sessions, exhibits, and courses only)

    • Early registration date (events, sessions, exhibits, and courses only)

    • Regular registration date (events, sessions, exhibits, and courses only)

    • Late registration date (events, sessions, exhibits, and courses only)

    Once an option is selected, the Due Date Offset Days field appears. Specify the number of days before or after the setting in the Base Due Date field the balance should become due.