Allowing Non-Staff Access to the Bill Me Payment Option

By default, the Bill Me payment option is accessible by staff users only. For associations that wish to allow non-staff users to select Bill Me during checkout, this must be enabled for each applicable price.

  1. Navigate to the Product Record > Price tab > Price menu option.
  2. Open the Price Record that should allow non-staff access to the Bill Me option.
    1. Click the Details tab > Additional Info.
    2. Click the Allow Bill-Me Payment Option check-box.
  3. Click the Save button.

Why is the Bill Me payment option enabled on a price-by-price basis?: Including this setting on the Price Record allows staff to customize exactly which non-staff users have the Bill Me payment option for a certain product. For instance, one product could have several prices that do not allow Bill Me, and one price (for MVP customers such as board members, for example) that does allow Bill Me.