Updating Prices

Once a price has been used in an accounting transaction, the price amount can no longer be changed. This is true for all products in the system, including membership dues, event registrations, exhibit booths, etc.

A Membership Product Record highlighting the error received when attempting to delete a used price

To update a price, the old price must be deactivated and new prices created. This can be done in a few steps:

  1. Copy the old price (optional).

  2. Update the new price.

  3. Deactivate the old price.

Copying the Old Price

Copying the old price allows you to copy over all settings to the new price, including price attributes. This optional step can save you time and prevent duplicate effort if the updated price has most of the same settings as the old price.

For more on copying prices, see: Copying Prices.

Updating the New Price

Once a price has been copied,

  1. Click Edit next to the new price.

  2. In the Price Record > Details tab > General Info,

    1. Update the price Name. When a price is copied, the name of the old price is copied as well. Update the name of the new price to differentiate it from the old price.

    2. Update the Amount field to the new price. Because this price is new and has not yet been associated with any accounting transaction, the amount can be edited.

    3. Click Save.

  3. Update other settings as necessary, including price attributes, price split, etc.

Deactivating the Old Price

Once the new price is in place, the old price can be deactivated.

  1. Click Edit next to the old price.

  2. In the Price Record > Details tab > General Info, update the Available Until field to yesterday's date.

  3. Click Save.