Setting up Product Fees

Staff can set up three types of fees:
  • Substitution fees: Fees applied when one person substitutes another in an event registration. A substitution fee must be created in order to do substitutions--if necessary, create a substitution fee of $0 to avoid charging registrants.

  • Cancellation fees: Applied when a purchase is canceled.

  • Application fees: Can be associated with a membership or subscription product.

To set up a fee:

  1. Go to the Products App, Setup.

  2. Choose the Miscellaneous Fees menu option.

  3. Click the Add New Fee button for the type of fee you'd like to create.

  4. The Add New Fee form will appear.

    1. Enter a Code and Name for the fee.

    2. Set the Available From date for the fee. The Available Until date is not required, but can be used if you'd like to “expire” the fee after a period of time.

    3. Cancellation Fees Only: The Cancel By drop-down field allows you to set whether the cancellation fee is set as a percentage or as a flat rate.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Locate the new fee in the list of fees and click Edit.

  7. In the Fee Record, click the Prices tab.

  8. Under the Prices tab, click the Add New Price button. In the Add Price form:

    1. Choose the Business Unit (if multiple business units exist in your system).

    2. Enter a Code and Name for the price.

    3. Set the Available From date.

    4. Enter the Fee amount. If you're creating a cancellation fee, enter the fee as a dollar amount or a percentage, as applicable (see step 4.c., above).

    5. Save the price.

Fees can be fine-tuned to certain customers using price attributes in the fee price record (under the Setup tab, in the Price Attributes menu option).

Associating a Fee with a Product

Once a fee has been created, it must be associated with one or more products. Open the product record and access the Prices tab. If fees can be applied to that product type, the Misc Fees menu option will appear.

To choose a fee that already exists in your system, select the Add Existing [...] Fee button. To create a fee from scratch, click the Add New [...] Fee button.