Removing Queries

Sometimes a query is no longer useful, and the system would benefit from its removal.

Two options are available for administrators:

  • ArchivalClosed The option to archive a query is available to administrators. To do so, click the query's Archive button from either the Query Center or the Query Builder. An archived query is moved out of the active query list and into the Archived Queries tab of the Query Center. Administrators can still view and use the list of archived queries, and can un-archive them if they wish.
    For ordinary users, the Archived Queries tab will not appear. If any system processes are contingent on an archived query, these will not be interrupted or affected.

  • DeletionClosed When a query needs to be removed altogether, administrators can choose to delete it. Deleting a non-system query removes it from the system altogether. Base and System queries cannot be deleted. If a Base or System query has been customized, a Delete button will still be available. Clicking this will revert the query back to its original, uncustomized form.