Sorting the Query List

When viewing a list of queries in the Query Center or in the Queries section of an app (such as the Customers App > Queries feature), several options are available to help you sort the list of queries and more easily find the one you're looking for.

Note: For help understanding which queries are stored under which tabs, see The Query Center.

  • Show Only the Queries Created by MeClosed This check box appears at the top of the queries list, under each of the tabs. Clicking it causes only the queries you created (or the system queries you saved changes to) to be listed.

  • List by TagClosed If tags are being applied to queries in your system, a list of these tags will appear at the top of the queries list. Clicking one of those tags will cause only the queries using that tag to be listed. If no tags have been applied to queries, no tags will appear.

  • BookmarkingClosed Enabling the Bookmark toggle next to a query causes it to be listed under the Bookmarks tab, for quick access. Only you can see your bookmarked queries.

  • Quick FilterClosed Click the Quick Filter icon at the top right of the query list to expand the Quick Filter field. Enter a key word in this field to search the query list for queries including that key word in the name, description, created on date, created by field, or last run on date.