Understanding System Query Types

In query lists, you may notice certain queries with a label of "System," "Base," or "Custom."

  • SystemClosed Queries that are included with the system and are integral to the user experience in an app. For example, when navigating to the Events App and being presented with the Event Search; or navigating to Customers > Individuals and seeing the Individual Search. System queries can be edited but not be deleted.

  • BaseClosed Queries that are included with every instance of the system, though (unlike System queries) are not necessarily integral to facilitating the user experience. Base queries can be edited but not be deleted.

  • CustomClosed These are System or Base queries which have been customized by a user in the system. The option to "delete" appears on these queries–only customizations are deleted, reverting the query back to its default settings.

Queries with none of the above labels were created from scratch, or a user started from an existing query and chose to "save as new."