Web Content - Exhibit Details
The Exhibit Details web content allows creation of a page displaying the image, long and short description, and the option to register attendees for an exhibit. The purpose of this page to allow non-staff users to get more information about an exhibition, as well as to register attendees if they wish.
The Exhibit Details page is typically accessed through the Upcoming Exhibits page.
Note: Note that the record ID must be passed through the browser URL in order to display/test this page.
Example: If the page containing Exhibit Detail content has the URL, "members.myassociation.com/exhibits/exhibit-details," directly navigating to this URL will not correctly display the page.
The exhibition ID must also be passed through the URL, like so: "members.myassociation.com/exhibits/exhibit-details/?id=c829186a-605d-ea11-b699-0003ff528276."
This ID is automatically passed if the user navigates through a page such as Upcoming Exhibits. The URL + exhibit ID can also be manually created.
Tip: See the help topic Linking Directly to a Product or Product Category for additional information.
Content Configuration
The page configured to show upcoming exhibits should use the content item: Exhibit Details.
Exhibit Details content allows configuration of the following settings.
Allow Attendee Registration (check box): Enable/disable the Register to Attend button on the Exhibit Details page.
Attendee Registration Page (drop-down field): If Allow Attendee Registration is enabled, specify the page linked to the Register to Attend button.
The resulting page displays the exhibition image, short and long description, and, if enabled, the option to register to attend.