Creating a New Webhook

  1. Navigate to the Configuration App > Webhooks.

  2. A list of all current webhooks displays. To add new, click Add New Webhook.

    The Add New Webhook form appears. Complete all required fields (marked with an asterisk [*]).

    • Type: Choose the type of event to trigger the webhook. Depending on the type selected, additional information may be required. Options include:

      • Customer Address Updated

      • Customer Category Updated

      • Customer Custom Field Value Updated

      • Customer Email Updated

      • Customer Merged

      • Customer Phone Updated

      • Customer Relationship Updated

      • Event Registration Created

      • Individual Committee Updated

      • Individual Created

      • Individual Deleted

      • Individual Request to be Forgotten

      • Product Purchased

    • Secret: This secret can also be reused for other webhooks.

    • URI: Enter the URI provided by the endpoint listener that will be consuming the JSON payload. It is important that the URI is typed correctly.

    • Description: Enter a Description of the purpose of this webhook.

  3. Click Save.