Page Control Settings in the Configurations App

In addition to ordinary configuration settings, Page Control Settings are also accessible in the Configuration App > Settings > by clicking the purple hamburger icon at the top right of the page. This opens the Sign-Up Page Customization modal window.

Page control settings correspond to headers, text descriptions, tooltips, and button text appearing throughout the sign-up process. Settings using text fields and text boxes allow between 200 and 250 characters. Character limits appear when the field or box is clicked.

Tip: On settings using a text box, text field, or a tooltip, HTML tags can be used. For example, on the Create User: User Info Header Text setting if we enter "<b>Become a Member</b> today!," it will display on the sign-up page as "Become a Member today!".

Tip: An icon can be enabled only on button settings, such as on the Check Org: Organization Save Button. By default, no icon is enabled, but when one is selected the icon appears after the button text.

There are seven categories of control settings in this area. Each setting is preceded by its corresponding category name. These categories include:

  • Check Org: These settings come into play only if the system is set to accept related organization settings from the user signing up. They are oriented around fields that search for and suggest organizations to the new user.

  • Create Org: These settings come into play if your system is set to allow users to create a new organization during the sign-up process.

Note: "Check Org" and "Create Org" settings are contingent upon the Ask for Organization Information During Signup configuration setting, at least, being enabled. Many of these settings depend on additional organization-related configuration settings being turned on.

  • Create User: These settings correspond to the initial page of the account creation process, in which a user submits key information such as their name, email, creates a password, etc.

  • Custom Form: If a custom form is set to appear in the sign-up process, these settings correspond to headers and field names that appear on the custom form page.

  • Ind Address: If your sign-up process is configured to ask individuals for their address information, a form appears allowing them to share that information.

  • Ind Phone: If your sign-up process is configured to ask individuals for their phone information, a form will appear allowing them to share that information.

  • Org Address: If your new user sign-up process is configured to A) ask users for their organization information, B) allow the creation of an organization that doesn't already exist in the system, and C) allow the user to enter address information for that organization, a form will appear allowing them to share that information.

  • Org Phone: If your new user sign-up process is configured to A) ask users for their organization information, B) allow the creation of an organization that doesn't already exist in the system, and C) allow the user to enter phone information for that organization, a form will appear allowing them to share that information. 

Setting Name Function Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Check Org These settings come into play only if the system is set to accept related organization settings from the user signing up. They are oriented around fields that search for and suggest organizations to the new user.        

Check Org: Organization Manual Search Description Text

When the system is configured to suggest a list of possible organizations to new users and the user indicates their organization is not in the suggested list by clicking "Not listed above," this descriptive text appears above the field in which the user can manually enter their organization name. Text box


Text box: "Please enter the name (or the record #) of your organization below."
Check Org: Organization Manual Search Name Text   Text box Required    
Check Org: Organization Save Button   Text field; Icon Required    
Check Org: Organization Selection Description Text

Appears under the Check Org: Organization Selection Organization Header Text and allows for additional description to be shared on the purpose of the screen being viewed.

This screen displays a list of suggested organizations returned based on parameters in the Organization Search Criteria During Signup and the Organization Search Operators During Signup settings.

Text box Required Text box: "Which of the following is your primary organization?"
Check Org: Organization Selection Organization Header Text Appears during sign-up on the screen offering users a list of organizations returned by the search parameters enabled via the Organization Search Criteria During Signup and Organization Search Operator During Signup configuration settings. Text box Required Text box: "Your Primary Organization"
Check Org: Organization Skip Button Corresponds with the option to skip past the organization search / selection stage of sign-up. Text field; Icon Required   Text box: "Skip;" Icon: [None]
Create Org

These settings come into play if your system is set to allow users to identify a new organization during sign-up. If so, a form appears allowing them to share that information.

"Create Org" page control settings correspond to that form.

Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Create Org: Organization Acronym Field Corresponds to the field in which users can enter the acronym of a new organization. Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Acronym;" Tooltip: "The acronym for the new organization."
Create Org: Organization Branch Name Field Corresponds to the field in which users can enter the branch of a new organization during sign-up. Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Branch Name;" Tooltip: "The branch name for the new organization."
Create Org: Organization Info Description Text Descriptive text appearing below the Create Org: Organization Info Header Text at the top of the form. Text box Required Text box: [None]
Create Org: Organization Info Header Text The header appearing at the top of the form. Text box Required Text box: "Your Organization Information"
Create Org: Organization Name Field The field in which a user can enter the name of their organization. Text field; Tooltip Required Text field: "Name;" Tooltip: "The name for the new organization."
Create Org: Organization Parent Organization Description The description appearing above the option to choose the parent organization setting.   Required "Choose 'my organization is its own parent organization' if that is the case, or search for and select your parent organization from our system."
Create Org: Organization Save Button The option to save data entered in the form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Create Org: Organization Skip Button The option to skip the form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Skip;" Icon: [None]
Create User These settings correspond to the initial page of the account creation process, in which a user submits key information such as their name, email, creates a password, etc. Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Create User: Chapter Selection Field   Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only    
Create User: User Info Confirm Password Field Field requiring new users to correctly re-enter the password they submitted in the "Password" field. Text field; Tooltip Required Text field: "Confirm Password;" Tooltip: "The password confirmation for the user account."
Create User: User Info Create Account Button The button at the bottom of the initial sign-up page allowing users to submit the data entered in this form. Text field; Icon Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Create User: User Info Description Text Descriptive text to appearing on the essential new user sign-up page (max 200 characters). Text box Required Highlighting the effect of the User Info Description Text setting Text box: "Fill out the information below to become a member."
Create User: User Info Email Address Field Corresponds to the "Email Address" field on the new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Required Text field: "Email Address;" Tooltip: "The primary email address for this individual."
Create User: User Info First Name Field Corresponds to the "First Name" field and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Required Highlighting the effect of the User Info First Name Field Text field: "First Name;" Tooltip: "The first name of this individual."
Create User: User Info Gender Field Corresponds to the "Gender" field and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. (This field in contingent upon the Ask for Gender During Signup configuration setting.) Text field; Tooltip Required Highlighting the effects of the User Info Gender Field setting Text field: "Gender;" Tooltip: "The gender of this individual."
Create User: User Info Header Text Header text appearing on the essential new user sign-up page (max 200 characters). Text box Required Highlighting the effects of the User Info Header Text setting Text box: "Become a Member"
Create User: User Info Last Name Field Corresponds to the "Last Name" field and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Required Highlighting the effect of the User Info Last Name Field setting Text field: "Last Name;" Tooltip: "The last name of this individual."
Create User: User Info Middle Name Field Corresponds to the "Middle Name" field and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Highlighting the effect of the User Info Middle Name Field setting Text field: "Middle Name;" Tooltip: "The middle name of this individual."
Create User: User Info Password Field Allows new users to enter a password for their account. Text field; Tooltip Required Highlighting the effects of the Create User User Info Password Field setting Text field: "Password;" Tooltip: "The password of the user account."
Create User: User Info Preferred Communication Method Field Corresponds to the "Preferred Communication Method" field name and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. (Note: this field appears during sign-up only if the Ask for Preferred Communication Method During Signup configuration setting is enabled.) Text field; Tooltip Required Text field: "Preferred Communication Method;" Tooltip: "The preferred communication method of this individual."
Create User: User Info Preferred First Name Field Corresponds to the "Preferred First Name" field name and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Preferred First Name;" Tooltip: "The preferred first name of this individual."
Create User: User Info Prefix Field Corresponds to the "Prefix" field name and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Prefix;" Tooltip: "The prefix for this individual."
Create User: User Info Show Directory Field Corresponds to the "Show In Directory" check-box name and tooltip on the initial new user sign-up page. (This field is contingent on the Ask for Show in Directory During Signup configuration setting in your system.) Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Show In Directory;" Tooltip: "Indicates if this individual is shown in directory or not."
Create User: User Info Suffix Field Choose from a list of pre-created options to set a suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.) for the user signing up. (This field is contingent on the Ask for Suffix During Signup configuration setting in your system.) Text field; Tooltip Hidden; Visible; Read-Only Text field: "Suffix;" Tooltip: "If your name has a suffix, select it here."
Create User: User Info Title Field The new user can enter their job title in this field. (Contingent on the Ask for Title During Signup setting in your system.) Text field; Tooltip Required Text field: "Title;" Tooltip: "The title of this individual."
Custom Form If a custom form is set to appear in the sign-up process, a form appears during sign-up. "Custom Form" settings correspond to headers and field names that appear on the custom form page. Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Custom Form: Description Header Text The header appearing above the custom form during signup. Text box Required   Text box: " Additional Information"
Custom Form: Save Custom Form Button The button allowing users to save their entry in custom form fields. Text field; Icon Required   Text box: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Ind Address

If your sign-up process is configured to ask individuals for their address information, a form appears allowing them to share that information.

"Ind Address" page control settings correspond to this form.

Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Ind Address: Individual Address Description Text Descriptive text appearing below the "Ind Address: Individual Address Header Text" (described below). Text box Required Text box: "Enter your address information below."
Ind Address: Individual Address Header Text Appears at the top of the form requesting individual address data. Text box Required Text box: "Your Address Information"
Ind Address: Individual Address Save Button Corresponds to the save button text on this form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Ind Address: Individual Address Skip Button Corresponds to the skip button text on this form. (The option to skip appears only if the Ask for Address During Signup setting is set to "Yes," not "Yes and Required.") Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Skip;" Icon [None]
Ind Phone

If your sign-up process is configured to ask individuals for their phone information, a form will appear allowing them to share that information.

"Ind Phone" page control settings correspond to this form.

Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Ind Phone: Individual Phone Description Text Descriptive text appearing below the "Ind Phone: Individual Phone Header Text" (described below). Text box Required Text box: "Enter your phone information below."
Ind Phone: Individual Phone Header Text Appears at the top of the form requesting individual phone data. Text box Required Text box: "Your Phone Information"
Ind Phone: Individual Phone Save Button Corresponds to the save button text on this form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Ind Phone: Individual Phone Skip Button Corresponds to the skip button text on this form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Skip;" Icon: [None]
Org Address

If your new user sign-up process is configured to A) ask users for their organization information, B) allow the creation of an organization that doesn't already exist in the system, and C) allow the user to enter address information for that organization, a form will appear allowing them to share that information. 

"Org Address" page control settings correspond to this form.

Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Org Address: Organization Address Description Text

Corresponds to the descriptive text on this form, which appears under the header.

Text box Required Text box: "Enter your organization's address information below."
Org Address: Organization Address Header Text Corresponds with the header text, which appears at the top of this form. Text box Required Text box: "Your Organization's Address Information"
Org Address: Organization Address Save Button

Corresponds to the save button text on this form.

Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Org Address: Organization Address Skip Button Corresponds to the skip button text on this form. Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Skip;" Icon: [None]
Org Address: Organization Link Address Check Text Allows the new user to link the organization address entered here to their own Individual Record. Text box Required Text field: "Link My Address to this Organization"
Org Phone

If your new user sign-up process is configured to A) ask users for their organization information, B) allow the creation of an organization that doesn't already exist in the system, and C) allow the user to enter phone information for that organization, a form will appear allowing them to share that information. 

"Org Phone" page control settings correspond to this form.

Settings Public Setting Options Image Default Setting
Org Phone: Organization Link Phone Check Text This setting allows the new user to link the organization phone number entered here to their own Individual Record. Text box Required Text box: "Link My Phone to this Organization"
Org Phone: Organization Phone Description Text

This setting corresponds to the description text on this form, which appears under the header.

Text box Required Text box: "Enter your organization's phone information below."
Org Phone: Organization Phone Header Text

This setting corresponds to the header text on this form.

Text box Required Text box: "Your Organization's Phone Information"
Org Phone: Organization Phone Save Button

This setting corresponds to the save button text on this form.

Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Continue;" Icon: [None]
Org Phone: Organization Phone Skip Button

If these settings are configured to allow but not require the user to submit organization phone data, a button allowing them to skip this step will appear.

This setting corresponds to the "skip" button text on this form.

Text field; Icon Required Text field: "Skip;" Icon: [None]