Account Configuration Settings
Account settings include settings visible during the account creation process. These settings are located in the Account section of the Configuration App > Settings Feature.
Note: Many of the options in this article relate to fields that appear during sign-up. In many cases, headers, field text, and descriptions related to these fields in the sign-up process can be customized using Sign-up Page Control settings. See Page Control Settings in the Configurations App for more on these settings.
Tip: In this article, an asterisk [*] next to a multi-choice setting option indicates the default setting.
General Login & Sign-up Settings
These settings affect the essential features of the log-in and sign-up process and include the following:
- Allow Google Login
- Allow Linkedin Login
- Show Login Slide show
- Verify Email During Signup
- Ask for Address During Signup
- Ask for Designations During Signup
- Ask for Gender During Signup
- Ask for Phone During Signup
- Ask for Preferred Communication Method During Signup
- Ask for Suffix During Signup
- Ask for Title During Signup
- Ask for Show In Directory During Signup
- Show Education Credits Provider for Members
- Sign Up Create Account Policy
Allow Google Login
Description: Determines whether user signing up should be allowed to use their Google login to also log in to their Impexium account.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Allow LinkedIn Login
Description: Determines whether user signing up should be allowed to use their LinkedIn login to also log in to their Impexium account.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Show Login Slide Show
Description: Preset abstract background images that display behind the login form. These images cannot be customized. This slide show does not display when the system prompts login to access a purchase wizard—only from the main login page.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Note: Even if enabled, this slide show may be hidden as a result of unique web site settings enabled on your instance of Impexium.
Verify Email During Signup
Description: If this setting is enabled, once users complete the sign-up process they will be sent an email with a link requiring them to verify that they want to create an account. If this setting is disabled, users can access Impexium immediately after finishing the sign-up process.
Field type: Check-box.
Default setting: Disabled
Ask for Address During Signup
Description: When enabled, the user is asked to enter their address as part of the signup process.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section asking for the individual address will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Designations During Signup
Description: When enabled, the user is asked to choose from a predefined list of designations as part of the sign-up process.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The option will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The option will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The option will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Gender During Signup
Description: When enabled, the user is asked to choose from a predefined list of genders as part of the sign-up process.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The option will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The option will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The option will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Phone During Signup
Description: The user is asked to enter their phone number as part of the sign-up process.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Preferred Communication Method During Signup
Description: The user is asked to choose their preferred communication method during sign-up.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Disabled
Ask for Suffix During Signup
Description: The user is given the option to choose from a pre-created list of suffixes (Jr, Sr, etc.) during sign-up.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Title During Signup
Description: The user is asked to enter their title as part of signup.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Show in Directory During Signup
Description: During signup, the user is given the option to indicate whether they would like to appear in the directory.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Show Education Credits Provider for Members
Description: When a non-staff user is allowed to self-report education credits, the Provider field appears. For clients who do not wish to display this field for non-staff users, this setting should be disabled.
Field Type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Sign Up Create Account Policy
Description: Choose at which point during the sign-up process the system will create the new user's account..
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
Create at first step*: The new user's account is created after completing the first page of signup, submitting vital information such as name, email address, and desired password and clicking continue. Should the new user exit sign-up prematurely and skip remaining steps of signup, their account will still have been created.
Create at the end: The new user's account is created only at the completion of all fields and pages of the sign-up process. Should they exit sign-up prior to completing the entire thing, their account will not be saved.
Login and Signup Redirect URLs
The system can be configured to, instead of navigating to a standard Impexium URL, redirect to a URL you configure.
- Login URL
- Signup URL
- Login Redirect URL
- Logout Redirect URL
- Logout URL
- Signup Redirect URL
- Change Password URL
- Forgot Password URL
Login URL
Description: Any login attempt to Impexium will auto-redirect the user to this URL instead of the standard login page. Leaving this field blank automatically causes the system to use the standard Impexium login URL.
Example: Clients using a single sign-on for their non-Impexium web page and Impexium could enter a URL in this field that will always redirect users to the login page they wish to use for single sign-on.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Signup URL
Description: To bypass the Impexium signup altogether, enter a URL in this field to automatically redirect users to the signup URL of your choice.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Login Redirect URL
Description: Once the user successfully logs in, the system auto-redirects them to the URL entered here.
Example: An association wants all users who log in to automatically be directed to the Payment Wizard to pay balances due.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Logout Redirect URL
Description: Once the user logs out, they are automatically redirected to the URL entered here.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Logout URL
Field type:
Default setting:
Signup Redirect URL
Description: Once a user has successfully signed up, this automatically redirects them to the URL entered here. This option is similar to the Login Redirect URL setting, but works specifically on the initial signup.
Example: An association wants users who have newly signed up to be automatically redirected to a web page detailing the types of memberships available for registration.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Change Password URL
Description: If this is configured, any attempt to change the password will be sent to the URL specified here and not to the Impexium change password page.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Forgot Password URL
Description: Clicking "forgot password" will take users to this URL, and not the standard Impexium forgot password page.
Field type: Text
Default setting: Blank
Custom Form Configurations
These settings are related to the custom form capability in the sign-up process.
- Signup User Custom Form Description
Signup User Custom Form Description
Description: If the custom form for the signup process (Customizations > Custom Forms > Account.Signup.IndividualInfo) is enabled, this text appears above the custom form.
Field type:
Default setting:
Enabling Captcha
CAPTCHA settings are available on several system pages. This is an invisible reCAPTCHA and operates behind the scenes to determine whether a user is human or bot. These settings are automatically defaulted to "ON."
- Enable CAPTCHA on Login Page
- Enable CAPTCHA on Sign-up Page
- Enable CAPTCHA on Donate Now Page
- Enable CAPTCHA on One-Page Checkout
Enable CAPTCHA on Login Page
Description: Enables CAPTCHA on the login page.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Enable CAPTCHA on Sign-up Page
Description: Enables CAPTCHA on the account sign-up page.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Enable CAPTCHA on Donate Now Page
Description: Enables CAPTCHA on the Donate Now page.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Enable CAPTCHA on One-Page Checkout
Description: Enables CAPTCHA on the one-page checkout.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Organization Look-up & Options During the Sign-up Process
These settings are related to enabling the system to suggest organizations to new users during sign-up, allowing them to associate themselves with an existing organization record, or create a new organization record in the system.
- Allow New Organization Creation During Signup
- Ask for New Organization Address During Signup
- Ask for New Organization Phone During Signup
- Ask for New Organization Web Site During Signup
- Ask for Parent of New Organization During Signup
- Ask for Organization Information During Signup
- Organization Search Criteria During Signup
- Organization Search Operator During Signup
- Organization Search Results Format During Signup
- Organization Manual Search Criteria During Signup
- Organization Manual Search Operator During Signup
Allow New Organization Creation During Signup
Description: For new clients signing up, enabling this option allows them to create a new organization during the sign-up process if the organization they enter in the lookup is not already in the system. If this is disabled, clients allowing organization look-up by new users will still permit look-up and selection of an existing organization record.
Field type: Check-box
Default setting: Enabled
Ask for New Organization Address During Signup
Description: When the organization look-up settings are enabled (see the Organization Search Criteria During Signup option), the system automatically returns possible results. If the new user selects "Not Listed Above," a search field appears allowing them to look for the correct organization. If their entry does not match any possible results already in the system, the system will allow them to enter their unique organization as a new record.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for New Organization Phone During Signup
Description: If the option to enter a new organization is enabled during sign-up, enabling "Ask for New Organization Phone During Signup" will ask the new user to enter a phone number for the new organization being created.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for New Organization Web Site During Signup
Description: If the option to enter a new organization is enabled during sign-up, enabling this will ask the new user to enter a web site for the new organization being created.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Parent of New Organization During Signup
Description: Determines whether the system should ask for the parent organization of a new organization being created during signup.
Example: The new user creating an account is associated with the Connecticut branch of ABC Systems. The parent company, ABC Systems, exists as an organization record, but the Connecticut branch does not. This setting allows the new user to A) create the Connecticut branch, and B) associate it with the parent company, ABC Systems
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Ask for Organization Information During Signup
Note: This setting must be enabled for any other organization data gathering settings described in this section to function.
Description This is the baseline setting to cause the system to ask organization-based questions of the new user during sign-up. The following options are available:
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
No*: The section will not appear during the new user sign-up process.
Yes: The section will appear but can be skipped if the new user opts to.
Yes and Required: The section will appear and cannot be skipped.
Organization Search Criteria During Signup
Description: Determine which criteria the system should use when suggesting an organization to new users signing up. The following options are available:
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
Name, Acronym, Branch Name, Website, Domain: The system will use the provided organization name, acronym, branch name, website, and email domain in attempting to suggest an existing organization to a new user.
Name, Acronym, Branch Name: The system will use the provided organization name, acronym, and branch name in suggesting an existing organization.
Website, Domain: The system uses the provided website and email domain in suggestion an organization..
Name, Acronym: The system uses the provided organization name and acronym in offering suggestions.
Domain Only*: The system only uses the email domain in creating suggestions.
Organization Search Operator During Signup
Description: When the organization lookup settings are enabled (see the Organization Search Criteria During Signup option, above), the system automatically returns possible results based on the configuration of the Organization Search Criteria During Signup setting. This field allows administrators to set how the system looks up the organization record.
- Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
- Contains*: The most flexible search operator. Returns results containing submitted text anywhere in the result name. (E.g., if "can" is searched, results could include "Canadian Manufacturing," "Pecan, Inc.," or "Norcandic, Ent."
- Starts With: Returns results containing submitted text at the beginning of the result name only. (E.g., if "can" is searched, results would include "Canadian Manufacturing" but not "Pecan, Inc," or "Norcandic, Ent."
- Equals: The most rigid search operator. Results only appear if they exactly match the search operator.
- Contains*: The most flexible search operator. Returns results containing submitted text anywhere in the result name. (E.g., if "can" is searched, results could include "Canadian Manufacturing," "Pecan, Inc.," or "Norcandic, Ent."
Organization Search Results Format During Signup
Description: When the system returns suggested organization results, this setting determines the type of additional detail that appears after each result.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
Name, Branch Name*
Name, Branch Name, Record Number
Name, Branch Name, Location
Name, Branch Name, Record Number, Location
Organization Manual Search Criteria During Signup
Description: If the option for new users to choose their organization is enabled, but the user indicates that none of the automatically suggested options correlate to the correct organization, the system offers them the option to search for the correct organization.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
Name, Acronym, Record Number*
Name, Acronym
Record Number Only
Organization Manual Search Operator During Signup
Description: If the option for new users to choose their organization is enabled, but the user indicates that none of the automatically suggested options correlate to the correct organization, the system offers them the option to search for the correct organization. This drop-down field works in conjunction with the Organization Manual Search Criteria During Signup field and allows administrators to choose the operator used when searching said criteria.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include,
Relationship Configurations During Signup
- Signup Individual to Organization Relationship if No Domain Match
- Signup Organization to Individual Relationship if No Domain Match
- Auto Link Individual Address to Organization
- Auto Link Individual Phone to Organization
- Signup Parent Organization Search Category
- Signup Reciprocal Relationship to Parent of New Organization
- Signup Relationship to Parent of New Organization
- Signup Individual to Organization Relationship if New Organization
- Signup Organization to Individual Relationship if New Organization
Signup Ind to Org Relationship if No Domain Match
Description: During the signup process, when an individual attempts to search for their related organization among existing organizations, the system automatically attempts to suggest appropriate organizations based on factors such as domain. (For example in the email address "," "" is the domain.) If for some reason no domain match was possible, the setting enabled in this field tells the system which relationship type should be used for the individual in the individual to organization relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Individual to organization relationship types configured in your system will be listed.
Default setting: Blank
Signup Org to Ind Relationship if No Domain Match
Description: During the signup process, when an individual attempts to search for their related organization among existing organizations, the system automatically attempts to suggest appropriate organizations based on factors such as domain. (For example in the email address "," "" is the domain.) If for some reason no domain match was possible, the setting enabled in this field tells the system which relationship type should be used for the organization in the organization to individual relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Organization to individual relationship types configured in your system will be listed.
Default setting: Blank
Auto Link Individual Address to Organization
Description: When an individual is related to an organization, the system provides the option to automatically link the organization address to the individual record, which allows for the address to be easily updated on one record (the organization's) and for those changes to instantly appear on related records (the individuals'). If this option is enabled, the address is automatically linked, with no additional steps required.
Field type: Check-box.
Default setting: Disabled.
Auto Link Individual Phone to Organization
Description: When an individual is related to an organization, the system provides the option to automatically link the organization phone to the individual record, which allows for the phone to be easily updated on one record (the organization's) and for those changes to instantly appear on related records (the individuals'). If this option is enabled, the phone number is automatically linked, with no additional steps required.
Field type: Check-box.
Default setting: Disabled.
Signup Parent Organization Search Category
Description: Select the relationship type that, for your system, indicates a parent organization.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include organization customer category types created in the Customers App > Setup > Categories. This option should only be enabled if your association is committed to assigning and maintaining categories associated with your organizations.
Signup Reciprocal Relationship to Parent of New Org
Description: This setting determines the reciprocal relationship of the parent organization to the new child organization being created. This is used in conjunction with the setting, Signup Relationship to Parent of New Organization to identify both sides of the organization to organization relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include organization-to-organization relationships created under the Customers App > Setup > Categories.
Signup Relationship to Parent of New Organization
Description: This setting determines the relationship of the parent organization to the new child organization being created. This is used in conjunction with the setting, Signup Reciprocal Relationship to Parent of New Organization to identify both sides of the organization to organization relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include organization-to-organization relationships created under the Customers App > Setup > Categories.
Signup Ind to Org Relationship If New Organization
Description: If the option Allow New Organization Creation During Signup is enabled, this determines which individual-to-organization relationship type should be assigned when the new organization is created. This is used in conjunction with the setting, Signup Organization to Individual Relationship if New Organization to identify both sides of the individual-to-organization relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include individual-to-organization relationships created under the Customers App > Setup > Categories.
Signup Org to Ind Relationship if New Org
Description: If the option Allow New Organization Creation During Signup is enabled, this determines which organization-to-individual relationship type should be assigned when the new organization is created. This is used in conjunction with the setting, Signup Individual to Organization Relationship if New Organization to identify both sides of the individual-to-organization relationship.
Field type: Drop-down. Options include organization-to-individual relationships created under the Customers App > Setup > Categories.
Descriptive Text Configurable During Login & Signup
- Login Description
- Signup Parent of New Organization Description
- Signup Organization Info Description
- Forgot Password Description
- Forgot Password Message
- Signup Address Info Description
- Signup Email Verification Description
- Signup Phone Info Description
- Signup User Info Description
- Signup Parent of New Organization Caption
Login Description
Description: Text appearing on the login screen.
Field type: Text box.
Default: "Enter your email and password below to login."
Signup Parent of New Organization Description
Description: The descriptive text appearing in the user signup process above the parent organization selection area.
Field type: Text box.
Default: "Choose 'my organization is its own parent organization' if that is the case, or search for and select your parent organization from our system."
Forgot Password Description
Description: Create a custom message to appear when a customer clicks the "Forgot Password" link.
Field type: Text box.
Default setting: "Enter your email below to reset your password."
Forgot Password Message
Description: When a customer indicates they forgot their password, this message appears.
Field type: Text field.
Default setting: "If there's an account connected to this email address, we'll email you a password reset link. That link expires after one hour. If you don't receive the email, please try again and make sure you enter the email address associated with your account."
Signup Email Verification Description
Description: If the Verify Email During Sign-Up setting is turned on, this message will appear at the end of the registration process, encouraging the user to open their email and click the hyperlink to verify their account.
Field type: Text box.
Default setting: "Please check your email and follow the instructions to finish your sign up process."
Enter Auth Code Description
Description: For clients using 2-factor authentication, this description displays for users when they are prompted to enter their Google Authenticator code.
Field type: Text box.
Default setting: "Enter the authentication code from your mobile app below. If you do not have access to your authentication code anymore, please contact us to reset your account."
Signup Parent of New Organization Caption
Description: This is the caption text that appears in the user signup process to indicate the parent organization selection area.
Field type: Text field.
Default setting: "Parent Organization."
Other Settings
Enter Auth Code Description
Recent Order History in Days