Managing Customer Education Credits & History
While customers can earn education credits by attending events and purchasing products, credits can also be manually added by association staff or self-reported by non-staff. The process is similar for both, and this article will highlight the differences between them.
Note: Education credits can only be self-reported by non-staff if configured to allow it. See Creating an Education Credit Type. Credits self-reported by a non-staff user are added in the "Pending" state and must be approved by association staff. Staff can use the Pending Education Credits query to identify and manage credits still in the "Pending" state.
Manually Adding Education Credits
Staff can begin by navigating to the Individual Record > Account > Education menu option.
Tip: Non-staff users will navigate to the My Profile page > Account > Education.
Under the Credits tab, click Add New Education Credit.
Complete the Add Education Credit form. All fields marked with an asterisk are required. Some fields will not appear for non-staff users.
Education Credit Type: This drop-down list contains all education credits configured in your instance of re:Members AMS. Select the one you wish to use.
If any instructions are associated with the credit, those will appear once the credit is selected.
Note: For non-staff users self-reporting credits, ONLY those credits flagged as allowing self-reporting will appear in this drop-down.
Description: Create a description regarding the circumstances of the user earning the credit, or include other notes.
Self-Reported(staff users only): To flag the credit as self-reported, click this check-box.
Number of Credits Earned: In this integer field, enter the number of credits earned.
Credit Earned On: The date on which the education credit was earned.
Provider: Begin typing the name of the organization providing the education credit.
Tip: To be selectable in this field, providers must first be configured in the Certifications App > Settings > Providers.
State / Province: If necessary, choose the state / province in which the education credit is applicable.
Reference: Enter the reference number of the credit.
Click Save.
Once the credit is created, the user will have the option to upload any required documents or edit the reported credit.
Legal Education Credits
The legal education credits a customer has earned appear under the Individual Record > Account > Education > Legal Education Credits tab. These cannot be manually created, but must be earned by, for example, attending an event configured with CLE.
Tracking Education History
An individual's education history can be tracked on their Individual Record, under Account > Education > History tab. Clicking Add Education History allows a users to enter the following:
Degree: This field pulls from the list of degrees created in the Customers App > Setup.
Graduation Year
Major Field of Study
Minor Field of Study