Canceling All or Part of a Group Registration

Group event registrations can be canceled altogether or in part by association staff. This article reviews the steps users encounter as they go through the cancellation process.

Provided the necessary settings are in place on the event, it is also possible for non-staff to be allowed to cancel a group registration.

Note: For more on canceling registrations, see Canceling Event and/or Session Registrations.

Note: Cancellation of a group registration must take place from the Organization Record.

Group Registration Cancellation by Association Staff

  1. As a staff user, navigate to the Organization Record > Purchases tab > Events menu option and locate the event.

  2. Click Details to open the Event Registration Detail page.

  3. In the Order Details panel, click Cancel Registration. The cancellation window will appear.

    1. Choose the Cancellation Batch, or create a new batch if necessary by clicking the Add icon.

    2. In the Line Items table, select the part(s) of the registration which need to be canceled.

      In this table, note that under the Customer Name column, each group registrant's name, their overall event registration, and any sessions they registered for are listed. You can verify each by looking at the Item column: the overarching event registration appears with the "Event" label and the session registration(s) appear with a "Session" label.

      Locate the appropriate part(s) that require cancellation by clicking the Select check-box.

      Note: If a group registrant's overall event registration is selected, all of their session registrations related to that event must also be canceled.

      The group registration cancelation window, highlighting key areas

      1. Canceling a Session: Locate and select the session(s) to be canceled. Note that the Item Credit Amount field becomes editable when the session is selected, and you can enter a different value here if appropriate.

        Group registration cancelation screen with a session selected

      2. Canceling a Registrant's Entire Registration: Locate and select the registrant's overall event registration. Note that if they are also registered for any sessions, these are automatically selected. The Item Credit Amount can be edited, if necessary, for the event and/or session registrations.

        Registration cancelation page with an overall event registration selected

    3. If any cancellation fees are associated with the event and/or sessions, these will be listed in the Cancellation Fees table at the bottom of the window. Staff can choose to select or deselect the fee if they wish, change the amount, or quantity of fees being charged.

    4. Note: If the same fee is associated with the event + session(s) or multiple sessions, it will appear multiple times in the table. For example, if the 5% cancellation fee "CAN5" is applied to the event and to a session under that event, the Cancellation Fees table will show two instances of the "CAN5" fee.

      If a cancellation fee is applied, an order will be created and assigned to the organization the group registration is for.

      If necessary, use the Send a confirmation email to field to share a confirmation of the cancellation.

    5. Click Cancel Invoice.

Canceled registrant(s) will no longer appear on the group Event Registration Detail page. If a cancellation fee was included, another order will appear reflecting the charged fee.

Event Registration Detail page highlighting the absence of the canceled registrant's name & the presence of a new order

If a registrant's overall event was canceled, on the canceled registrant's Individual Record > Purchases tab > Events menu option, the cancellation date now appears next to the canceled event.

The Individual Record, highlighting the cancellation date of a registered event

Orders & Invoices for Canceled Group Registrations

On the Organization Record

Once all or part of the group registration is canceled, this is reflected in the orders and invoices related to that group registration.

If a cancellation fee was applied, an order for that cancellation fee will appear on the Organization Record. In the example image below, all three orders on this Organization Record are related to the same group event registration: order 49610 is a cancellation fee, applied when a group registrant was canceled. Orders 49550 and 49540 include the sessions and the event.

Event-related orders on the Organization Record

If a cancellation fee was applied, a separate invoice was created for that as well. The group registration invoice will display a Cancellation Invoices section linking to this invoice. Any credits created will appear on the Invoice in the Credits section.

The group registration invoice reflects the cancellation date for the event and / or any session(s) that were canceled by a group member.

An invoice for a group registration highlighting cancellation dates

On the Individual Record

Because the order and invoice(s) for group registrations are associated with the organization, none will appear on the records of individuals in the group.

However, under the Individual Record > Purchases tab > Events menu option, registrants who have canceled will still display the event, along with the Cancelled On date. Clicking Details opens the Event Registration Detail page for that individual specifically, with the "Cancelled" notation at the top of the page.

Group Registration Cancellation by Non-Staff

Non-staff users can also cancel all or part of a group registration, provided that:

Note: Non-staff users registered as part of a group who do not have a relationship type allowing them to manage on behalf of their organization cannot access the option to cancel.

A non-staff user would navigate to their My Profile page > Organizations tab, and click Manage beside the organization. In the My Organizations > Purchases tab > Events, they would select Details next to the event. The Event Registration Detail page will appear.

As in the instructions above for staff users, from here they will click the Cancel Registration button. The Cancel Registration page will appear.

The Cancel Registration page, from a non-staff user's perspective