Printing Badges

When an event utilizes the system badge functionality, registrant badges can be printed individually or en masse. When badges are printed individually, a badge print count is maintained for each registrant. A badge printing fee can be applied to reprints using the "Badge Print Count" price attribute.

Note: Badges are sized to Avery 5392 badge stock.

Printing Badges for All Registrants

  1. Navigate to the event record.

  2. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Badges Report.

  3. The Registrant Badges Report screen will appear. Click either the "Maximize" or "Open in New Window" button (at the top-right of the screen next to the X button, designated by gray symbols) to improve visibility.

  4. Badges for all registrants of the event will generate. Click the Print button (designated by a printer symbol) to print them.

Printing a Selection of Badges

  1. Run the "List of Active Event Registrants" query, or any custom-built query using the "Event Registrants" query target, to pull a list of registrants for a particular event.

    Note: You can quickly run the "List of Active Event Registrants" query from the event record by clicking the Actions drop-down and selecting List Registrants.

  2. From the query results, click the green Select to Print Badges button.

  3. Check boxes will appear to the left of each query result. Check the boxes corresponding to the registrants whose badges you would like to print.

  4. Click the green Print Selected Badges button.

  5. The Print Badges screen will appear, containing badges for each of the selected registrants. Click the Print button (designated by a printer symbol) to print them.

Printing Badges Individually

  1. Navigate to the registration details for a particular registrant. Examples of ways to reach this include:

    1. From the individual's record > Purchases tab > Events section > Details button.

    2. From the "List of Active Event Registrants" > View button.

    3. By scanning the registrant's barcode.

  2. Under the Event Attendees header, click the blue Print Badge button.

    1. If a Print Reason is required, the Print Badge pop-up will appear where the Badge Reason can be selected from the drop-down menu. Click Print to proceed.

  3. Your printer's print dialog will appear. Follow the necessary steps to print the document.

Note: If registrants have been granted the ability to print their own badges, they will follow this same process to do so.

Print Counts

Once a badge has been printed individually, that attendee's registration details page will report a print count, Last Printed On date, and (if applicable) Last Print Reason. (Note: You may need to refresh the page after printing a badge to see/update these details.)

If badge printing fees are applicable to the event, the option to charge one will appear (to staff only) alongside the badge print count. Clicking the link will launch a one-page checkout screen where payment for the fee can be collected.

Using the "Badge Print Count" price attribute, it is possible to control at what point the badge printing fee is assessed, and/or the amount charged based on the number of times the badge has been printed.