Applying Price Attributes

When a price is created in the system, it is, by default, available to all customers purchasing the product. To limit a price to a specific customer type, one or more price attributes must be applied. These attributes tell the system for which types of customer the price should appear.

Note: Price attributes can be created in the Products Application > Setup Feature. For assistance setting these up, see the help topic Creating Price Attributes.

Note: Customers receive the lowest price for which they meet the price attributes. For example, if a zero dollar price exists that has no price attributes applied to it, that price is by default available to all customers. Ensure that each price created for a product has the necessary price attributes before making the product available to customers.

If a product should be accessible only to certain customer types, this can be accomplished using price attributes. Set up prices with attributes only for the customer types who should have access to the product—customers who do not meet the requirements outlined by the price attribute(s) will not be eligible to purchase the product.

To apply attributes to a price:

  1. Navigate to the Product Record.

  2. Click the Prices tab.

  3. Select the Prices menu option.

  4. Locate the price to which you'd like to apply attributes. Depending on the availability date range of the price, the desired price may appear under the Active Prices or Inactive Prices tab.

  5. Click the Edit button next to the desired price. The Price Record will appear.

  6. In the Price Profile, click the Setup tab.

  7. Select the Price Attributes menu option.

A list of all price attributes created in the system appears under Attribute Groups. For additional details about the features of these price attributes, hover over the Information icon to view the attributes that comprise that attribute group.

To view or edit a specific attribute group, simply click the linked name of the price attribute. For additional info on the creation of attributes, see the help topic: Creating Price Attributes

  1. In the Enabled column, toggle the desired price attribute(s) to "On." In the example image above, the "Sponsorship Special Grouping" price attribute is set to "On."

Note: When enabling price attributes, keep in mind that multiple attributes are combined and "read" by the system with the operator "OR." For example, if three price attribute groups (A, B, and C) are toggled to "On," the system will read them as "A" or "B" or "C," meaning that a customer must meet the qualities outlined in attribute A, or B, or C, in order to receive the price.