Configuring Event Cancellation Policy
Events can be configured to allow different levels of registration cancellation. This is configured in the Event Record > Details tab > Cancellations menu option.
In the Cancellation Policy drop down field, the following options are available:
Staff Cancellation Only: Only staff users can cancel event or session registrations. When enabled, only staff users can see the Cancel Registration button on the Event Registration Detail page.
Allow Registrant to Cancel and Issue Credit: Staff and registrants can cancel registrations and issue re:Members AMS store credits.
Allow Registrant to Cancel and Issue Refund: Staff and registrants can cancel registrations and issue refunds on credit card purchases. (For other payment types such as check, a credit is issued which must be resolved by staff to create a refund, if desired.)
The Cancellation Instructions HTML field can be used to provide policy details or additional instruction to non-staff registrants canceling their event and/or session registrations.
The Cancellation Process for Non-Staff Users
Customers wishing to self-cancel their Event and/or Session registration should:
Navigate to their Event Registration Detail page, via My Profile > Purchases tab > Events > Details.
Under Order Details, click the red Cancel Registration button.
The Cancel Registration confirmation will appear, asking "Are you sure you wish to cancel this registration?" Click Ok.
The Cancel Registration form will appear. If the Event was configured with instructions in the Cancellation Instructions HTML field in the Event Record, that instruction displays at the top of the screen.
Check the boxes next to each line item that should be canceled. Or check the box next to the individual's name to select all of their registered items.
Click Cancel Registration.
Another confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Ok to finalize the cancellation.
Cancellation Fees
Any applicable cancellation fees associated with the event in question are automatically applied to a self-canceled registration and are deducted from the ensuing refund. If a member of staff cancels a registration, they have the option to waive or adjust cancellation fees.
Also see: