Shopping Configuration Settings

The settings in this section are related to shopping and online store aspects of Impexium.

Business Unit Settings

Default Business Unit ID (text field): Specify the ID of the default business unit for your system. Get the ID by opening the Business Unit Record, copying the ID from the browser bar, and pasting it into the Default Business Unit ID field.

Batch & Fiscal Period Management Settings

Preselect Last Selected Batch (check box): To streamline checkout , the system can automatically preselect a batch during checkout. If enabled, when staff make an initial purchase they will be required to choose a batch. During the next purchase, the same batch will be preselected.

This selection is per user—that is, each user must make an initial choice of batch and the system saves that user’s selection for their login only. This is accomplished via a cookie associated with the user’s browser session—this cookie is deleted after 24 hours, at which point the desired batch must be selected again. If cookies are deleted, the batch must be re-selected.

Has Batch Roles (check box): Enable this option to turn on functionality to limit batch access to certain role types. This causes the option to Add Batch Roles to appear in the Batch Record > Details tab > Roles menu option.

Recognize at Beginning of Term (check box): For term products such as memberships or subscriptions, this setting causes deferred revenue to be recognized at the beginning of the term.

Anonymous Shopping Settings

Allow Anonymous Shopping (check box): This setting enables anonymous shopping, which permits users to use the online store and add items to a shopping cart prior to logging in (while unverified or "anonymous" to the system).

Anonymous Shopping Wizard HTML Message: This customizable message appears for users visiting online store pages anonymously, on each page of the online store wizard.

Anonymous Shopping Cart HTML Message (text box): This customizable message appears for users visiting online store pages anonymously, who have added items to their shopping cart and are viewing the list of items in their cart.

Payment Settings


Auto Pay Default Options (drop down field): This setting lets admins determine if and when auto pay is automatically pre-selected. (Unless auto pay is required in any payment scenario, this setting can be disabled by the customer.) Options include:

  • No (default): Autopay is not auto enabled.

  • For All Purchases: Autopay is auto enabled for all purchases.

  • For Installments Only: Autopay is auto enabled for installment purchases only.

  • For Non-Installments Only: Autopay is auto enabled for non-installment purchases only.

  • If Purchase Contains Installments: Autopay is auto enabled for the entire purchase containing a product being paid via installments.

  • If Purchase does not Contain Installments: Autopay is auto enabled for any purchase that does not contain a product being paid via installments.

Auto Pay Hide Options (drop down field): Choose if and when the Auto Pay option is hidden during checkout. Options include:

  • Always Show (default): Automatically display the auto pay option.

  • Always Hide: Always hide the auto pay option.

  • Hide For Installments Only: Hide the auto pay option for customers choosing to pay by installments.

  • Hide For Non-Installments Only: Hide auto pay for customers choosing not to pay by installments.

  • Hide if Purchase Contains Installments: Hide if any part of the order being purchased contains installments.

  • Hide if Purchase Does Not Contain Installments: Hide if any part of the order being purchased does not contain installments.

Auto Pay Required Options (drop down field): Enabling requires users with a saved credit card to enroll in autopay. Settings in this drop-down menu include:

  • No (default)

  • For All Purchases

  • For Installments Only

  • For Non-Installments Only

  • If Purchase Contains Installments

  • If Purchase does not Contain Installments

Quick Pay

Payment Wizard

  • Default Payment Balance FilterClosed (drop down field): This setting determines the balance and payment options a member sees when navigating from their My Profile page to the Pay Balance Due process. A member must have a relationship type allowing them to purchase for their related organization in order to use this setting.
    Customer Only: The customer sees and can pay their balance only.
    Customer and Primary Organizations/Individuals Related to the Customer: The customer can see and pay their own balance as well as that of their primary organization and of individuals related to the customer.
    Customer and all Organizations Related to the Customer: Can see and pay their own balance as well as the balances of all organizations related to them.
    Customer and all Related Organizations and all Individuals Related to the Related Organizations: Can see and pay their own balance, the balances of all organizations related to them, as well as the balances of all individuals also related to those organizations.

  • Filter Organization Order Info by Logged in UserClosed This setting limits the ability of users to view and pay only their own orders, to protect the privacy of other users within their company and their orders. The default setting is disabled.

  • Allow Profile Update In CartClosed (check box): Enabling gives users the ability to review and update their information during the checkout process.

  • Allow Members to Edit Info In Payment WizardClosed Allows members to change custom field data in the Payment Wizard. This functionality applies to open orders only, and when enabled allows users to make changes that can instantly update the order amount (depending on the configuration of product prices). Options include: Do Not Allow, Allow for All Open Orders, Allow for Membership Renewals Only, Allow for Subscription Renewals Only, and Allow for Membership and Subscription Renewals.
    For an instance of how this setting can be used, see: Including a Custom Form in Membership Mass Renewal.

  • Default Payment DateClosed (drop down field): While by default payments are assigned the current date as the default payment date, the system can be configured to allow the batch date to be used instead.
    Current Date (default): The current date is automatically applied as the payment date.
    Batch Date: The batch date is automatically set as the payment date. When enabled, this setting also allows staff users to choose to use the current date instead, if necessary. This is achieved via a hyperlink during checkout allowing staff to opt to "Use Current Date," instead.

  • Always Create Invoice for Bill MeClosed (check box): If this setting is enabled, the Create Invoice check box is automatically selected when the Bill Me payment method is chosen during checkout.

  • Invoice Zero Dollar OrdersClosed (check box): Enabling this option causes the system to automatically create invoices for orders of a zero amount.

  • Payment Wizard Confirmation MessageClosed (text box): This message appears on the payment confirmation step of the Payment Wizard.

  • Payment Wizard Donation MessageClosed (text box): Messaging to appear in the Payment Wizard if a donation is included in the payment.

  • Payment Wizard Payment MessageClosed (text box): Messaging to appear during the payment stage of the Payment Wizard.

  • Payment Wizard Select Orders MessageClosed (text box): Messaging to appear during the order/invoice selection step of the Payment Wizard.

  • Populate Check NameClosed (check box): When a staff user purchases a product on behalf of a customer, if “Credit Card” or “Check” is selected during checkout the customer’s name auto-populates in the Name field, Name on Card or Name on Check respectively. The auto populated name can then be edited by the staff user as necessary.

  • Filter Organization Order Info By Logged In UserClosed (check box): Enabling this check-box causes external users accessing the payment wizard to see only their own orders due, regardless of other settings enabled.

Credit Card Payment Options

  • Statement NameClosed (text box): Your association's name, as it will appear on your customers' credit card statement.

  • Has Card SwiperClosed (check box): For clients who want to use a credit card swiper. Set this to "on" and plug in the card swiper. On the checkout page of the purchase process, swipe the card: the credit card number is automatically entered in the credit card number field.

Shipping Settings

  • Shipping Calculation Per CartClosed Choose whether the system applies shipping cost per shippable item (that is, shipping is charged per item), or for the entire cart, by the total weight of shippable items in the cart.

Other Shopping Settings

  • Default Product List Page SizeClosed (text field): The number of products that will appear on a page in the Online Store before paginating.

  • Not Eligible MessageClosed (text field): Text entered in this field appears for users trying to purchase a product they're not eligible to purchase. Enter a staff contact phone number, email, or other messaging if desired.

  • PAC Annual Contribution Limit Per IndividualClosed (text field): Set the annual limit per individual for PAC contributions. Once this limit has been reached, an individual will receive an error message and will be prevented from contributing more to PAC.

  • Suggested Products CaptionClosed (text field): For clients with product suggestions configured to appear during checkout, this message will appear adjacent to the suggested products list.