Running the Mass Membership Renewal Process

Staff have the option of renewing a group of expiring members using the Mass Membership Renewal process. This option is available to staff users only.

Accessing the Mass Membership Renewal Process

The mass membership renewal can be run by staff from three locations in the system. Each location directs staff to the same mass renewal form—choose the most convenient starting point.

From the Membership Record

  1. Navigate to the Memberships App > Memberships Feature.

  2. Open any Membership Record.

  3. In the Membership Record, click the Actions drop-down and select Renew Memberships.

From the Processes App

  1. Navigate to the Processes App > Process Center.

  2. Open the Ecommerce.RenewMembership process.

  3. In the Renew Membership Process Record, click the Schedules tab.

  4. From the Active Schedules menu, click the Add New Schedule button.

Note: Accessing the mass membership renewal form from the Processes App has the added benefit of showing the history of of the process, as well as the option to schedule future instances of the process.

From Query Results

  1. Run the desired query to return the result set of expiring members to be renewed. (Query must use a target of "Individual" or "Organization.")

  2. On the result set, click the Actions drop-down and select Renew Memberships.

Note: Accessing the mass membership renewal form from a query has the added benefit of allowing precise control over which users are renewed.

Scheduling Membership Mass Renewal

  1. Access the mass renewal process form using one of the methods listed above.

  2. Select Currency: Ensure the correct Currency type is selected. If your system has memberships configured to use multiple currency types, a separate instance of mass renewal must be run for each currency type.

  3. Choose one or more Membership Types: Click the check box(es) next to memberships to be renewed. If your memberships are configured with categories, Filter by Category can be used to display only memberships related to a certain category type. (This is a useful option for clients who have a lot of different memberships, to reduce the number of memberships appearing on the form.)

  4. Specify the Expiration Date Range: Enter a From and To date for the date range of expiring customers to be renewed.

  5. Choose Whether to Create Open Orders or Invoices: Using the Create Invoices? check box, choose whether to create invoices or open orders as part of mass renewal. If this box is left unchecked, open orders are created—that is, no invoices are generated and orders remain open. For more, see Using Open Orders.

  6. Send Emails?: Click the Send Emails? check box to cause a purchase confirmation email to be sent out to members included in the mass renewal. Note that if organization members are being renewed, this email is sent to the primary email address on the organization record.

  7. Choose Auto-Pay Settings:

    1. Under "Choose whether to include or exclude members opting to use auto-pay," in the Select Members drop-down, staff can choose to include or exclude members based on their auto-pay configuration. This setting can be used if you'd prefer to process all orders for members who've opted to auto-pay in one accounting batch and all non-auto-payments in another (as a separate mass renewal process). If you have no preference, select "All."

    2. Click Process Auto Pay? to process automatic payments along with the membership mass renewal. If this option is NOT enabled, the auto-pay process must be run separately later.

  8. Select a Batch: Choose the batch into which these transactions should be grouped. If the appropriate batch does not exist, click the green Add icon next to the Batch field to create one.

    Note: For more on the Bill to Customer, Custom Form, and Donation/PAC Products settings, see Less Frequently Used Settings, below.

  9. Review Renewing Members: Once the Mass Membership Renewal form is complete, click Email Renewal List as Attachment to have the list to be renewed emailed to your login email address or click View Renewal List to view the list in the current window.

  10. Schedule the Process:

    1. Schedule the process to run Now, which runs the process immediately, or Later, which runs the process at a start date and time of your choosing. The mass renewal process can be scheduled far in advance using the schedule later option. For example, if scheduling the mass renewal process for an anniversary membership, a staff user could schedule an instance of the mass membership renewal process to run in January, schedule another instance of the mass membership renewal process to run in February, and so on.

    2. Click Schedule Process.

Less Frequently Used Settings

The following options are used in fewer configurations and in specific scenarios. If you are unsure whether these apply to your processes, please reach out to customer support.